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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Time passed by really fast. I felt i've not done my very best this year especially in academic. I flunked most of my first semester exam,awful. Flashback of the nights that i burst into tears due to my poor and suckish results. I felt so disappointed bcos this is the first time in my entire life i got such awful and eyesore results. I have to admit the fact that i didn't work hard. From next year onwards, im going to make up for my failure. Less blogging, less online. T.T.

Going to strive really hard for SPM. Thats for my future and also my parents. Here,i would also like to wish my dear friends HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010! Work hard to achieve ur dreams. Tats all~

♥ Today was a fairytale =)
4:26 AM

Monday, December 21, 2009

List on how to spend my last two weeks holiday:

1. Christmas carolling(tonight and tomorrow)
2.Shopping 0.0
3.Camp ( 4 days 3 nights)
4.Watch tv
5.Surfing youtube
6.House chores(washing plates,cleaning table,drying clothes,n folding clothes)


♥ Today was a fairytale =)
10:40 PM

I hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself ihate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself. i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself.I HATE MYSELF =[
Dis doesn't mean that i hav low self esteem or im ashamed of myself. I hate myself: For being so weak and fragile. Besides that, i can't make up my mind or make my own decision without regretting. Im lazy, i have no idea why but i guess most of us are lazy, especially when you have a computer at home... I have wasted my holidays just like that. I feel sorry for myself.. n starting to grow hatress in myself i know i know ... Holidays will end in less than two weeks time,oh my. Therefore, i have to prepare myself well,that is to ignore any distractions no matter what they are so that they won't interfere with my goals. Voila!!! Wake up janice!!!
I hate myself.

♥ Today was a fairytale =)
9:48 PM

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Haha... nthg special to post.. went to christmas parade though there's a heavy downpour. Half of my body is wet n oso my sports shoes(only wear it twice o thrice a year) is completely wet, cause my mum keep on holding the umbrella in an improper way. Thats y.. To mummy: Next time i won't share an umbrella with you cause u are making things worst! xD... Saw leonard (he's wearing a shepherd outfit lol) N i opened my eyes really wide till he felt odd n finally recognized me! Lol. Another news was, i managed to cover up my short fringe! Yeah!
Haha.. i miss going to MBO cineplex. To be frank, i nvr visit there b4 although most of my fwens have went there for a couple of times. All due to transport problem. You lorr daddy.. But finally i managed to solve it. . Im going to treat my fwen for a movie n she's fetching me there.! ayy... =)

♥ Today was a fairytale =)
3:44 AM

Saturday, December 12, 2009

1.Are you an innie or an outie?
What the hack is this

2.Have you ever written a song?
Yes. (=

3.Can you make change for a dollar right now?
No. Im at home. haha

4.Have you ever been in the opposite sex's public toilet?
Unfortunately, yes. Hehe.

5.Have you ever written a poem?
No. Hate tat.

6.Do you like catsup on or beside your fries?
None of the above.

7.Have you ever been a boy/girl scout?
Of cos... no... I hate staying under the sun. =x

8.Have you ever written a book?

9.Have you ever broken a mirror?
Urm, yes.

10.Are you superstitious?
Depends. Christians shudn't be superstitious. ^^

11.What is your biggest pet peeve?
I hate animals.

12.Do you slurp your drink after it's gone?
Yes .T.T especially when im too poor to order for another one.

13.Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk?
Haha... maybe few years ago.

14.Would you rather eat a Big Mac or a Whopper?
Big Mac
15.Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?
Huh? i don exercise.

16.Would you ever parachute out of a plane?
Wow. Im well known as timid janice wor.

17.What's the most daring thing you've done?
Urm, telling lies. Hehe swt

18.When you are at the grocery store, do you ask for paper or plastic?
They give what i accept what lorr

19.True or False: You would rather eat steak than pizza.

20.Did you have a baby blanket?
Haha.. no but i hav baby pillow. lawl

21.Have you ever tried to cut your own hair?
I cut my hair for many times dy. Just the fringe. haha

22.How did that turn out?
I was acknowledge by my frens n they even offered for a free haircut. ^^

23.Have you ever sleepwalked?
Ask my brother.

24.Have you ever had a birthday party at McDonalds?

25.Can you flip your eye-lids up?

26.Are you double jointed?
Im invisible. Or maybe invincible. jk larr.

27.If you could be any age, what age would you be?
0 y/o ....Being a baby is so nice.

28.Have you ever gotten gum stuck in your hair?

29.Do you ride roller coasters?
No. I've not been to genting for a long time.

30.What's your favorite carnival ride?
Beh zai.

31.What is your dream car?

32.What is your favorite cartoon of all time?
I don't watch cartoon. haha

33.Have you ever eaten a dog biscuit?
No. cos i never feed my dog b4..

34.If so, would you eat another one?

35.If you were in a car sinking in a lake, what would you do first?
Close my eyes n count to ten.

36.Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
Fortunately,no. I hope forever wil be no.

37.Can you pick something up with your toes?
Yes. Everybody can la.

38.How many remote controls do you have in your house?
A lot. lazy count. MOre than ten i think

39.Have you ever fallen asleep in school?
Yes, about to...

40.How many times have you flown in an airplane in the last year?
ONE nia.

41.How many foreign countries have you visited?
4 or 5 nia.

42.If you were out of shape, would you compete in a triathlon if you were somehow guaranteed to win a big, gaudy medal?
Hell yes!!

43.Would you rather be rich and unhappy, or poor and happy?
rich and unhappy. haha

42.If you fell into quicksand, would you try to swim or try to float?
Too bad... i will let myself sink n see whats inside .

43.Do you ask for directions when you are lost?
No. i cried. aww

44.Have you ever held a Mexican jumping bean?

45.Are you more like Cinderella or Alice in Wonderland?
Im more like a... urm human being. ==

46.Would you rather have an ant farm with no ants or a box of crayons with broken points?
Not interested.

47.Do you prefer light or dark bread?
Light ^^

48.Do you prefer scrambled or fried eggs?
fried eggs rawks!

49.Have you ever been in a car that ran out of gas?
Forgotten ady ...

50.Do you talk in your sleep?
how would i noe.. z

51.Would you rather shovel snow or mow the lawn?
shovel snow. =)

52.Have you ever played in the rain?
Yes. when im small.

53.Did you make mud pies?
I dont bake haha

54.Have you ever broken a bone?

55.Would you climb a very high tree to save a kitten?
What for..if the kitten is nt mine.

56.Can you tell the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?
alligator have a longer mouth lo..u didnt study science harr

57.Do you drink pepsi or coke?
I hate soft drinks

58.What's your favorite number?
erm... thrrrreeeeee..

59.If you were a car, would you be an SUV or a sports car?
Apa tu SUV?

60.Have you ever accidentally taken something from a hotel?
I didnt. but my mum owes did... purposely..haha

61.Have you ever slipped in the bathtub?

62. Do you use regular or deodorant soap?
No. keep changing.

63.Have you ever locked yourself out of the house?
For what? lame

64.Would you rather make your living as a singing cowboy or as one of the Simpsons voices?

65.If you could invite any movie star to your home for dinner, who would it be?
Edward cullen =)

66.Do you need corrective lenses?
Im nt short-sighted

67.Would you hang out with / date someone your best friend didn't like?

68.Would you hang out with someone your best friend liked, but you didn't like?
none of ur business.

69.Have you ever returned a gift?

70.Would you give someone else a gift that had been given to you?
depends. but i ever did tat larr.. =x

80.If you could attend an Olympic Event, what would it be?
I hate sports

81.How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Urm, i think 8 ba. excluding school shoes.

82.If your grandmother gave you a gift that you already have, would you tell her?
No. U give,i accept.as long as its free.

83.Do you sing in the car?

84.What is your favorite breed of dog?
Furry ones.

85.Would you donate money to feed starving animals in the winter?

86.What is your favorite fruit?

87.What is your least favorite fruit?

88.What kind of fruit have you never had?
Fruit tat have a suckish flavour.

89.If you won a $5,000 shopping spree to any store, which store would you pick?

90.What brand sports apparel do you wear the most?
I dont wear sport shoes.

91.Are/were you a good student?
No. aku budak jahat. no larr... okay okay la

92.Among your friends, who could you arm wrestle and beat?
No. Im nt vulgar haha

93.If you had to choose, what branch of the military would you be in?
Yi.. can i dun choose?

94.What do you think is your best feature?
face shape. haha.

95.If you were to win a Grammy, what kind of music would it be for?

96.If you were to win an Osacr, what kind of movie would it be for?
Horror 0.0 im ju-on 5 ahaha

97.What is your favorite season?

98.Which of the five senses is most important to you?
touch, sight, smell, ....

99.Would you be a more successful painter or singer?
singer. But nt a success one.

100.How many years will/did you end up going to college?
less than 5. hopefully

101.Have you ever had surgery?
No. haha

102.Would you rather be a professional figure skater or professional football player?
None of the above

103.What do you like to collect?

104.How many collectibles do you have?
wait... 1 2 3 4 5.... and the list goes on..

105.What one question would you add to this survey?
Can i hate you for being lame? =x

♥ Today was a fairytale =)
4:06 AM

Friday, December 11, 2009

Walked to saberkas with mei chee ytd! It took me fifthteen minutes(to be more precise) to arrive there from my mum's office. We shopped from 10am until 5pm. Hahah! Bought some birthday presents(2010) for a few friends. And also, it took me such a long time to choose a present. I felt rather dizzy dat time. So i kinda have dilemma while choosing a present. Fortunately,there's mei chee to help me out with choosing an appropiate present. SWEAT~! I also have stone ice special at stone ice, the name of the shop. Albeit its called STONE ICE SPECIAL,it STILL SUCKS. Try IT, n u will agree with my statement. After that, we shopped like mad. Should be I. I bought five nail polish, a mirror and also a hair perm appliance. To sum up, RM40++ was gone. Yadda whatever.. T.T One more thing(to all form4 students), enjoy ur holiday to the fullest before things take a turn for the worse.What i mean is SPM. Ouchie =x Byiess!!

♥ Today was a fairytale =)
12:08 AM

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Erm,wondering how to start off this post. Well, i didn't go travelling dis holiday.... ahaha! Really miss KL n oso shopping . Btw, i went to the state library yesterday n i guess i'm pretty unlucky too.
I didn't know there r such rules as its the 1st time i make a visit there. For Iinstance:
U can't wear skirt above knee length to enter that premise.(i mean the library).Slippers are prohibited as well. Well, i have go against those two rules cause guess what? Im wearing skirt, few cm above knee length NIA. N also slippers like i always did. Its comfy what. =.=
Hey, look here. I'm pretty pissed off ytd. The guard even forced me to wear a thick, lame, orthodox, n ugly coat. I felt weird at 1st y is he forcing me to wear tat while others doesnt have to. So i asked him, n i found out the rules. But its my first time la k! But of cos, i won't wear la. Its really embarrasing u know, everyone else is not wearing whereas i have to wear it. Somemore, if i wear it, everyone will look at me n thus will arouse their interest like, y is this gal so bizarre? She looks dumb =.= yadda yadda ... So, instead of punishing me by not letting me step my feet into the library.. U want to let everyone know i am not obeying the rules? Its much more obvious, n the long coat can't even cover my leg. Haiya.. i know, i sounds like im insulting them. YES. Definitely n i don't even feel guilty for it. Cause i don't agree with the rules. U are infringing my rights k.Most of us oso wear like dat to skul la, just in dress form . Then y not u said wearing knee length skirts r illegal in Malaysia. Not going to proceed any further with this statement, i just think that the rules are urm, sorta odd~
Saw four ducks in the pond n visited the cafeteria. Even apply for membership though i know i will NEVER come to this library anymore. Yada yada.. On my way to get the bottle, i slipped over on the water which was spilled by someone(whoever it is, pls drink ur water carefully next time). Well, of cause i went furious. Eveybody look at me! How embarrasing.. I injured my hand too. OUCH! Bopien lor, what happened was inevitable. I was in a hurry what the fish! My dad even nagged at me for taking so long to come out after that.
Guess that all for now~ Can't say much... gonna quench my thirst as im really thirsty now. ahaha ^-^

♥ Today was a fairytale =)
6:30 PM