I've turned over a new leaf.. since yesterday. It had been some time sinced i last blogged. Lots of things happened to me during this month. There's too much to say and finally i found out that actually i am just good to be true. Life carries on and i hope that all of the SPM candidates will know what is right and what is wrong.
♥ Today was a fairytale =)
4:38 AM
Me Watashiwa ♥
My DAY >130793<
I'm a typical chinese girl. Living life to the FULLEST!
i ♥ my friends,my sweet family and God.
Currently a student who is obviously inobedient all the time. JK ;D h •
{♥} ♥
{♥}Fashionable clothes
{♥}Change hp! HAHAHAHA
{♥}Long blonde hair with curls
{♥}Super cute jacket
{♥}Good Results
{♥}More cash
{♥}New watch
{♥}Grow fatter
{♥}Get a chance to meet BIG BANG and super junior in person
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