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Sunday, July 4, 2010

I've not upload any posts,for like,decades. Haha.. wonder what took me so long to do so? Its because i was lazy and becoming more and more tired of blogging. I realized many people have quit blogging. Its very obvious to me because most of my friends are doing so.

So? Humans are one of the most bizarre species on earth. I guess? even though they are blessed with good brains,they have used it in an improper way and somehow,infuriated others(including me). Based on my own opinion,some people is acting like a meddler and somehow they don't even notice about it.

For instance,
Boy A and girl A are couples, they took photos together.The friends of boy A or Girl A would said:"Why your bf/gf is so ugly?Your eyesight is very lousy lah."

Or , Passerby A saw Girl B which is not very sexy but wore slutty clothing(or merely just shorts) while shopping. They never knew each other but Passerby A complained to his wife "Wah.. this girl is not sexy at all why still wear until like that.Not nice la, very eyesore indeed".

Or even, Girl C is very skinny/fat. When they met their auntie, their aunt will go on like,"eat more la,u will look nicer or eat less la.. you are far too fat".

To sum up, those are the meddlers i have came across. The problem is,is it their business to complain about this and that? Okay,so they have the guts to complain, but are them better than those victims being complaint? Or they are just a bunch of assholes that cannot move on their life without making any nasty comments.WOULD YOU SOMEHOW GET AFFECTED EVEN IF WE ARE NOT PRETTY OR DO NOT HAVE THE PERFECT BODY SHAPE? No,right? Think about it and you might be grateful that life is better without making any busybody complains.

♥ Today was a fairytale =)
4:13 AM

Friday, April 9, 2010

I've turned over a new leaf.. since yesterday. It had been some time sinced i last blogged. Lots of things happened to me during this month. There's too much to say and finally i found out that actually i am just good to be true. Life carries on and i hope that all of the SPM candidates will know what is right and what is wrong.

♥ Today was a fairytale =)
4:38 AM

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I'm always stubborn when it comes to making a choice, but this time i finally let go of my desire. But i'm very sure that i'm making the right choice. I AM VERY SURE ABOUT THIS AND I WOULDN'T REGRET FROM THIS SECOND ONWARDS. Conversely, if i made the wrong choice, i would regret it for the rest of my life. I feel happy today. Looking forward to go out with my friends this holiday. After this holiday, i will work very hard in my studies and hopefully i get the chance to further my studies in kl. Hahah. =) Happy holidays! HOLLA!

♥ Today was a fairytale =)
8:06 PM

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Guess what? I skipped school today just because im afraid of the exam-having chemistry and add maths test today. First, i'm afraid because i didnt managed to finish studying the chapters that are going to be tested. LOL. Physics and moral test tomorrow. I hate physics,especially when diagrams are required to be drawn. I HATE DRAWING. Thus,I DRAW CRAP MOST OF THE TIME. haha! Unfortunately, physics is undeniably a vital test in SPM(since i belong to the science stream). Still, im in a dilemma-whether to change phone or continue using my recent phone. Haizz =(

♥ Today was a fairytale =)
11:53 PM

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Once you think of chinese new year, you will probably think about red packets. I didn't help out a lot during this year new year, merely helped my dad to wrap the red packets and clean the sofa. HAHA. I've bought a great deal of skirts this year, a pink one, blue, green and two jean skirts. This is the first time in my entire life to buy five skirts in two days. Its not because i'm far too affluence. If there's a BIG BANG sale so no harm right? Finally, i would wish my dearest friens a happy happy chinese new year~ =)

♥ Today was a fairytale =)
4:18 AM

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

“小猫” 她特别反对人家吸烟,写下这东西。



1. 浪费钱

2. 浪费时间

3. 制造臭味

4. 污染空气

5. 破坏大气层

6. 温室效应 (还嫌天气不够热, 是不是?!)

7. 危害自己的健康

8. 危害他人的健康 (要死自己死就够了, 不要害死其他人!)

9. 嫌钱太多, 捐给别人不更好?! 造福他人~

10. 惹人讨厌 (什么男人不坏, 女人不爱? 骨头道理一个! 你要被95%的女生[鄙视抽烟] 喜欢还是被5%的女生[喜欢抽烟] 喜欢, 你自己决定吧...)


为什么那么喜欢在别人面前抽烟呢? 真不明白! 花了那么多钱买了一包烟, 干嘛要和别人分享你的烟???

在开放式的地方抽烟 = 浪费自己的钱和烟。

把自己关在一个密室里才抽烟。由于烟不容易到外面去,所以平时只能吸一次的烟就能吸上十次啦!还能在烟雾中旋转作乐, 是不是世界上最幸福的事呢? 何乐而不为?! Ohoho~

This is done by my friend. If you are a smoker i won't apologize cause i dislike smokers too. =]

♥ Today was a fairytale =)
12:03 AM

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hahah .. it had been some time since my last post. I've been really busy lately.Busy and oops of cause lazy too. I didn't do my homework, for the past few weeks i keep talking about hp. But now i've settled down and come to a stop. I have a phone now and i should feel very grateful that i'm not going to pay a lot for my hp.

Today .. During biology class, the teacher called my name. For sure, it's not going to be like i won a prize, or i've been nominated to become the best student. Of course NOT. Well, i was punished to stand for one hour because i never hand in my biology longbook(homework). Guess another friend was pretty unlucky too-ain't going to mention her name. The biology teacher(Mr Chan) saw her reading something during his lesson. He then approached her to find out what she's doing. She was actually reading a valentine card she made for her bf at that particular time. Mr Chan was pissed and he wanted to confiscate the card after arguing for a while with her.Part of the conversation was Mr Chan:What are you doing at the back while i'm teaching? I told you guys many times that i don't like ppl doing your own things while i'm teaching. I saw you reading something? Faster give me to see. Her:(Handed over an oral paper to him)Neh,teacher. I was learning for my oral. See.. You can keep this and faster go away.(grins). Mr Chan: No no no.. i didn't see you reading this paper, don't have to cheat me lar. (Saw her slipped a heart shape card under a pile of books, pulled out the card) Ahh, this one larr. This is the thing. I will keep this. Her: Reach out her hand and started pulling a side of the card) Don't la teacher. You can keep anything but not this. Mr Chan: You must respect me, cause i'm your teacher. Her: You respect me first then i respect you. Mr Chan: Snatch the card furiously and it was torn into half. Her: Teacher, i hate you. Why must you do this?!! Mr Chan: You deserved this. (Walk away). Pathetic incident. Another unlucky thing, too lazy to type now.

Wishing you all a prosperous new year. =) Have a nice family reunion dinner. TEEHEE.

♥ Today was a fairytale =)
11:40 PM